Event Hosted by Trane Technologies
Event Hosted by Trane Technologies
2020 is a year like no other, as businesses, government agencies and all Americans continue to show resiliency amid these unprecedented times. Disability:IN North Carolina is grateful to our corporate sponsor, Trane Technologies and the VisAbility Employee Resource Group for hosting our virtual event. Join us on October 1, 2020 to celebrate National Disability Employment Awareness Month (NDEAM) and discover your #DisabilityAdvantage.
2020 Fall Conference Highlights
Despite the challenges of 2020, DI-NC Member Companies are finding that their disability inclusion strategies have fostered an agility, helping them pivot to create and maintain a productive virtual workforce through:
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CommunAbility @ UNC-Charlotte : Business Mentors for University Students with Disabilities
Our Ability Careers Portal | New Features
Supplier Diversity Strategies
The North Carolina Employment Collaborative and Regional Business Advisory Councils