Sponsored by Cardinal Innovations Healthcare & Trane Technologies
Disability:IN North Carolina will hold a virtual celebration of innovative employment strategies featuring individuals with disabilities and their employers and service provides on October 5th as part of our two-day 2021 Fall Conference. The October 5th event sponsor is Cardinal Innovations Healthcare. This event is ideal for Community Rehabilitation Program (CRP) leadership and staff, Managed Care Organization leadership and staff, job coaches, care coordinators, people with disabilities, policy makers, teacher educators, special educators, parents, and other advocates. The event will focus on innovative employment strategies that are being used across North Carolina to promote full inclusion of people with disabilities in the workforce.
As a strategic partner of DI-NC, Cardinal Innovations Healthcare is sponsoring the Everybody WORKS in 2021: The Role of a Disability Employment Community Collaborative to expand access to best practices in disability inclusion across North Carolina. We are inviting employment providers from across the state to apply to present at the Everybody Works conference on October 5, 2021. Thanks to Trane Technologies for providing the technical platform to manage this virtual event. Please submit your proposals via e-mail to Beth Butler Fadel at beth@disabilityin.org and Pat Keul at patkeul@yahoo.com .